Mostostal Pomorze

Contact us

Contact us

Contact us

HQ address:
ul. Marynarki Polskiej 57,
80-557 Gdańsk (see on the map)
We look forward to hearing from you.

    Division 1
    5 Gwizdków Quay, Port of Gdansk
    (gate no.5 - Entrance from Oliwska Street)
    ul. Szkolna 1,
    80-562 Gdańsk (see on the map)
    Division no 2
    PKS2 Workshop,
    ul. Na Ostrowiu 15/20,
    80-873 Gdańsk (see on the map)

    Commercial Director

    Tomasz Bomba

    Reporting channel - helpline

    The purpose of the Helpline channel is to make it possible for the Company's own employees, subcontractors and all entities cooperating with Mostostal Pomorze S.A. to disclose irregularities, any illegal, dishonest or prohibited activities concerning the broadly understood functioning of the Company.

    Such reports will be considered by the Management Board and may constitute a basis for any actions, including disciplinary ones, aimed at eliminating the described occurrences.

    We encourage you to contact your Company management or the Occupational Health and Safety officer personally, however, if you are concerned, you may remain anonymous. The Company will protect a reporter's identity from disclosure by keeping the Helpline confidential and will not retaliate or reprisal against the reporter.

    The reporter affirms that he or she is acting in good faith based on facts and other objective motivations, as opposed to personal considerations (e.g., feelings of injustice, revenge or individual's vested interests). 

    The minimum requirements and ways to protect the notifier are described in the "Guidelines for the Notifier"  (download)

      Company data

      Company nameMostostal Pomorze SA
      Legal formJoint-stock company
      HQ address:ul. Marynarki Polskiej 57, 80-557 Gdańsk
      REGON number191672257
      NIP number5832565637
      KRS number0000055123
      Court designationDistrict Court Gdańsk-North in Gdańsk, VII Commercial Division of the National Court Register
      VII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
      Date of registration in the National Court Register24.10.2001
      Share capitalPLN 5,700,000.00 paid in full