Mostostal Pomorze



Compliance documents

In order to ensure compliance with regulations and standards, Mostostal Pomorze S.A. has developed a Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy, Anti-Mobbing Policy and other compliance policies.

 The Code of Ethical Conduct (download) defines Mostostal Pomorze’s ethical values as well as defines rules and responsibilities in areas related to occupational health and safety, business cooperation, environmental protection as well as disclosure and combating undesirable activities including illegal activities.

 The Internal Anti-Harassment Policy (download) describes the principles of preventing harassment in the workplace by stopping any actions or behaviour directed against its own and subcontractor’s employees. Mostostal Pomorze spreads a culture of performing work with respect and courtesy towards co-workers.

 The Anti-Corruption Policy (download) establishes standards for preventing and identifying instances of corruption in the organization’s operations, promoting lawful behaviour.

 The Gifts Policy (download) is a transparent statement by the Company not to accept gifts, presents or payments as an expression of gratitude in connection with work, which are prohibited by law and contrary to customary business practices.


The Management Board of Mostostal Pomorze S.A. declares:

That compliance with regulations and, in particular, the observance of and respect for national, EU and international regulations on the protection of fair competition is one of the pillars on which the activities of Mostostal Pomorze S.A. and all its employees and associates are based in the performance of their daily work.

That the entire management of Mostostal Pomorze S.A., will be particularly committed to promoting a culture of compliance, fostering fair and equitable competition, based on the day-to-day work done by all members of the organization.

That being aware that success in the Compliance area must be based on the awareness and training of all members of the organization. The company will provide appropriate training according to Mostostal Pomorze S.A.’s level of exposure to risks in the area of competition, as this is the only way to consistently require the same level of commitment from third parties with whom the company interacts. The Board of Directors understands that full awareness among the members of the organization of the value of fair competition is an important element to achieve success in the area of socially responsible business.

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer

Arkadiusz Aszyk